Terms & Conditions


In the technological era. We are providing certification services online, it is important to set out the terms of the agreement clearly in advance.
If you have any queries about LONDONCERT, please do not hesitate to contact us. In this agreement, we have referred to the LONDONCERT as the “service”, to you as the “user” and to our agreement as the “agreement”.

If you wish to use our “Common Needs” feature, you affirm that you are more than 18 years of age and are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties consequent to the creation of the documents, and are aware of the same. Kindly call us for further assistance.

  1. LONDONCERT is a Service Provider
    LONDONCERT is an internet portal that facilitates communication between companies and potential users of ISO Certification. LONDONCERT acts as a venue for ISO Certification Services. LONDONCERT does not guarantee that users will successfully find an Accurate service for what they are looking for. LONDONCERT takes no position and offers no opinion on when or if a client does find required service.

The users of LONDONCERT are granted a nonexclusive, limited right to access and use the service in accordance with the rules that are described in this contract. In order to keep this system attractive and useful for all users, it is important that users follow the rules of the system. LONDONCERT reserves the right to deny further access to its service to any user who violates these rules, is the subject of complaints by other LONDONCERT users or for any other reason. Users engaged in any of the following activities on our system will not be tolerated:

» Foul or otherwise inappropriate language.
» Racist, hateful, or otherwise offensive comments.
» Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, or promoting physical harm or injury against any group or individual.
» Defame any person or group which includes people of all ages, races, religions, and nationalities.
» Violate the rights of another, including but not limited to the intellectual property rights of another. This includes using the service for acts of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property infringement, including but not limited to offering pirated computer programs or links to such programs, information used to circumvent manufacturer-installed copy-protect devices, including serial or registration numbers for software programs, or any type of cracker utilities (this also includes files which are solely intended for game emulation).
» Violate Internet standards.
» Use the service for displaying harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or tortuous material or invading other’s privacy.
» Interfere with or disrupting the service or servers or networks connected to the service by posting advertisements or links to competing services, transmitting “junk mail”, “spam”, “chain letters”, or unsolicited mass distribution of e-mail.
» Compromise the security of the service LONDONCERT provides. 
We assure you that we are continuously working to improve our services and are we are welcome to any suggestions from your end. We appreciate your interest and support and we welcome you to the World of ISO Certification.



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